Army Recruitment on Campus and the Oldest Lies in the Book
Clara Lee wins VP Welfare | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Is It The Beginning of the End For UKIP?
Meet the candidates | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Vice-President Education | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Vice-President Welfare | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Vice-President Activities | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Vice-President Sport | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
President | Kent Union Leadership Elections 2017
Why the Lords Won’t and Can’t Block Brexit
Why It’s Right for UKC to Keep Building
Tigers in Trouble
Domestic Violence: A Russian Regression
10 tips that will make you good at debating
Five February Favourites
Varsity 2017: Equestrian Competition
Review: The Pigeon Detectives – Broken Glances
VARSITY: Men’s Football 3s lose on penalties
Should the UK Change its Cannabis Laws?
Quick and easy Valentine’s breakfast
The Government Gamble with Garden Cities
Dave Cocozza resigns as VP Education
Trump and the ‘So-Called Judges’: Political Ineptitude or Tyrannical Finesse?
UKC Study Directly Links Sexual Objectification and Violence
Patriots Overturn 25 Point Deficit to Deny Falcons First Super Bowl
Varsity 2017: A Great Day for Netball
Sex and Drugs and Lighting Guys: The Fleetwood Mac Story
The Canterbury Valentine’s week calendar
Varsity 2017 Men’s 1s Football: Kent are the Comeback Kings
VARSITY 2017: Kent Storm Ahead in Lacrosse
VARSITY: Cross Country 11th of February, 2017
Canterbury acid attacks on Thursday and Friday
America and Russia: a “Special” Relationship?
Why are we so obsessed with reality TV?
Top Ten Apps to Make Money as a Student
Favourite Green Spots in London
Review: Sampha – Process
The Lesson Trump Can Learn From the MS St. Louis
How resolute are your new year’s resolutions?
How Donald Trump is Shifting American Values
Brexit Britain and How We Now Have To Behave
What’s the Best Way To Help the Homeless?
Protests Against Trump’s Immigration Ban: A Timeline
‘Alternative Facts’ is the euphemism that just keeps on giving
Review: La La Land
Why Are Rape Proof Pants Actually an ‘Excellent Idea’?
Digital Deniers: The Holocaust in the eye of the Beholder
President Trump: A British-American View
Marching and Morgan: Why Do Some Men React Badly To Feminism?
2016 Premier League Dream Team
UKC Music Presents: Fara
Top 10 tips for Britts moving to America
Holocaust Memorial Day 2017: Lessons From Auschwitz
Appointment of new University of Kent Vice-Chancellor and President
Global Britain: Britain’s Broken Trains and the Forgotten Issue
CSR 24-Hour Charity Show
Theresa May finally lays down the ground rules
Driver arrested on suspicion of drink driving after incident near Canterbury Campus
Susannah Townsend awarded MBE
Julian Brazier MP awarded a knighthood
Man found hanged at his home in Canterbury
15 Years of Xbox: Celebrating Fable 2
Theresa May speaks of a ‘Transitional Brexit Deal’
French Election 2017: Who’s in pole position?
£90,000 raised by students in successful telephone campaign
Mentally ill student threatened ‘mass killing’ on University of Kent Medway Campus
Review: Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
Kent Union condemns UKC’s increase in tuition fees
Ireland Rewriting History
England Triumphs over South Africa
Update: ‘Ellie the Elephant’ vandalised for second time in protest at Medway Campus
The Rise of Western Nationalism: The Greatest Paradigm Shift Since The French Revolution
Italy and France hold the keys to Europe’s Future: How did it come to this?
Review: Black Mirror Season 3
Amendment would allow British citizens to keep EU privileges post Brexit
Antibiotics Awareness Week: what’s it all about?
Student kitchen destroyed after cooking fire in Canterbury
Student Hit By Kent Unibus
Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ After Trump
LEONARD COHEN: From Vinyl to the Cloud
2016 Was Nothing New: The Nastiest Ever U.S Election Moments
Deck the halls with Pumpkin Patches: Consumerism and Seasonalism
‘Before the Flood’: the power of change is in your hands
U.S Election Result: It’s Trump Time
The RSPB- the UK’s largest nature conservation charity visits Kent
Reflections from Working with a Charity
2016: What on Earth Happened?
A student’s “political knee-jerk reaction” to President-Elect Donald Trump
24 Hour Charity Game-a-thon!
What’s in my handbag- Autumn and Winter Edition
Vegan cooking tips!
Shaun Fenton: independent schools can be part of the solution.
Kent Union: An Apology Isn’t Enough
Medway Campus appoint Kier Group to complete £5 million Student Hub
Contagious II – the Halloween event returns to haunt the Canterbury Tales!
All the perks of Autumn
Kyrgios: ‘Disgust and Disdain’ or ‘Cry for help’?
Final Whistle for Wayne Rooney?
Review: Green Day – Revolution Radio
World Mental Health Day: Go-To Entertainment When Feeling Low
The Unending Conflict: What’s Next for Colombia?
Apprenticeships Vs University : Which Offers Real Value For Money?
5 Films You Need to See this Autumn and Winter
5 Reasons Why…you should try Marshalling!
Corbyn’s Victory: What’s Next For Labour?
The Case Against New Grammar Schools in England and Wales
Students prepare to celebrate Black History month at Kent
The Great Video Game Film Plot
Suicide Squad and the Angry Mob: Why So Serious?
Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 & 2
Get Into Podcasts!
Hillary, better than the best of a bad bunch?
Fee Free UKC: Should We Have To Pay To Use The Campus Gym?
Grand Opening of New Kent Law Clinic
Our Top 5 Most Anticipated Games This Autumn
Freshers urged to get vaccinated against deadly MenW bug
Recycling on Campus- Start of the year with the environment in mind!
‘The Shawshank Redemption’ Production at the Marlowe in September
Reported gas leak at new law clinic building, Canterbury campus
850 complaints made about rented properties in Canterbury
Construction of Student Hub halted
University response to Brexit questioned
Student safety at the University of Kent
Kent raises fees prior to receiving government approval
Calling all poets: London anthology project now open for submissions
What British Politics Has Lost To Brexit
Book Review: The Little Red Chairs by Edna O’Brien
Hell in a handbasket for British politics
Bus pass vital for one in four students
Why It’s Okay To Be Angry About Brexit
The Real Reason Behind Britain Voting To Leave The EU
The future of Kent in the wake of Brexit
Gaming on a Budget: Great Free-to-Play Games
Summer music at the Marlowe Theatre
Five Fringe Festivals to Visit this Summer
EU Referendum: Big Canterbury Debate cancelled
Orlando solidarity event to be held at Canterbury Christ Church University
Simply Red at Canterbury’s Spitfire Ground
Kent to remain “UK’s European University” if Brexit
Degree results to be disrupted by further lecturer strikes
How Marvel Studios Killed Super Hero Films
The Tuition Fee Hike: Good in Principle, Terrible in Practice
KTV Review: Incredible
Krept & Konan clash for Party in the Car Park
‘Studio Ghibli Forever’ at the Curzon Cinema
Review: The Collider 2
Pride: Marching in the Wrong Direction?
The Money Tree
Tuition fees announced to rise from 2017
Eight books to read about mental health
KTV Review: Natasha
University lecturers to strike at the end of May
Top six soundtracks to help you study
Annual London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge returns
Review: Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
It’s time for the third Full English Festival!
Go ‘Beneath the Surface’ at the TEDxUKC talks
Reports of a student stabbing at Liberty Quays, Medway
Book review: Moranifesto by Caitlin Moran
Panama Papers shaming Western Leaders
Five books to read during the spring holiday
School of Engineering and Digital Arts create new wheelchair
Canterbury’s not the worst, but we need to remain safety-conscious
Q&A; with KTV’s Arnie Voysey
Samaritan Director Talks to InQuire
KTV Film Festival: Overview
Music Spotlight: G-Eazy
Is Canterbury a safe city? A run down of Canterbury’s most crime ridden streets.
The Conservative Party: A civil war in sight?
DIY Project: Tomb Raider Cosplay
Ghost scare at University of Kent